The Anatomy and Physiology of the Body Systems

To put it simple, Anatomy is the structure of the body parts, and Physiology is how each of the body parts function. Let's start with the inner parts of the body, called the systems which are the structure of the body parts, and after which, we will list the function of each system. The body is built like a sophisticated machine that only its creator completely understand its operations. After studying Anatomy and Physiology, I understood clearly what the writer of Psalm 139: 14 meant by his statement as noted below.

  "I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well."  

We can conclude that the body systems are an organized group of organs or cells related to each other. Where as each organ performs a specific or a certain function. Let's begin with the Circulatory System.

The heart is a hollow muscular contractible organ that is the center of the Circulatory System. It is divided into 4 chambers. There are two upper champers with thin walls and two lower chambers with thick walls.
The two upper chambers are called the atria (left and right). The two lower chambers are called ventricles.
The two sides of the heart are separated by a strong muscular wall known as the septum. There are several valves in the heart. They are; Pulmonary, Tricuspid, Mitral, and Aortic. Each valve is lined with a membrane called Endocardium.

The muscle of the heart is called, Myocardium. Inside of this muscle, there are fibers that forms a network of branches called arteries and veins. The Aorta, is the largest artery in the body. It leads from the left ventricle and supplies the body with oxygenated blood.

The Pulmonary artery leads from the right ventricle. It divides into two branches that supply used blood to the right and left lungs.

Inside of the heart is lined with a smooth membrane called the Endocardium.
Pericardium is a tough membrane that is double-layered covering the heart as a bag.
There is a space between the two layers of Pericardium and Endocardium that contains a thin layer of fluid that lubricates and allows free movement of the heart muscle within the outer bag.

Being that the heart works hardest of all the muscles in the body, it has large energy requirements that need  an adequate supply of fresh oxygenated blood to maintain its actions, as all of the muscles in the body do.

The heart has a network of branches which is its own system of arteries, capillaries, and veins exclusively for its own blood supply. This system is call the Coronary. The reason behind the name is due to the arteries surround the upper portion of the heart like a crown. The word "Corona" in Latin mean crown. Both the right and left Coronary arteries arise from the beginning of the Aorta. From that point, smaller branches  pass into the heart. The left artery is divided into two large branches; Right Coronary artery and left Coronary artery.


1. The heart rate is approximate 70 beats per minute at rest for an adult.
2.  During strenuous exercise, the heart rate can become 200 beats per minute.
3.  The heart contracts about 100,000 times per day and more than 2.5 billion times
       in an average lifetime.                    
4.  The heart pumps at least 9 pints (4.5 liters) of blood per minute.
5.  The heart pumps about 1,500 gallons (6,000 liters) of blood daily.
6.  The heart generates enough power in a day to drive a truck 20 miles.

The Body Systems:

1. circulatory - circulates body fluids. It includes both cardiovascular
       (heart and blood vessels) and the lymphatic systems

 2. digestive - is defined as the Alimentary Canal. This includes the mouth, teeth, tongue,
pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, accessory glands (salivary glands, liver, pancreas)

3. endocrine- ductless glands that produces an internal secretion discharged into the blood
  or lymph. It is then circulated into all of  the body parts.
4.  hematopoietic _ has to do with the production and development of  blood cells.
 5.  integumentary- consists of the skin, hair and nails and its appendages.
6.  lymphatic-circulates lymph. It includes lymph vessels, lymphatic organs
            (lymph nodes, ducts, tonsils, thymus, spleen)                  

 7.  muscular- includes all of the muscles (smooth, cardiac, striated, and skeletal)

  8. nervous - consists of the brain, ganglia, spinal cord and nerves

  9.  reproductive-includes the gonads, their structure association and ducts.

 10. respiratory- consists of the air passageway and organs (nasal cavities, oral cavity
       pharynx, trachea, and lungs (bronchi, bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and alveoli. 

11.  skeletal- The bony framework of the body.

 12.  urinary - Secreting or containing urine.

Suggested Information to Read: The Importance of  Exercise for a Healthy Heart

Information Provider:
___ Ellen J. Barrier/Published Author/ Medical Professional
Product Consultant

Barrier's Health & Fitness Website:

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