When Research Is Questioned, Who Can Be Trusted?

Author /Medical Professional /
Product Consultant

In each of these recent medical news reports, there is need for concern that the truth about research has not been told. Because of lack of truth about medical research, many lives are placed at risk. Most people are happy to invest money and time in research. And don't mind their tax dollars being used for finding cures, but what angers me and others, is this nonsense that's going on in some research. When we have researchers lying about their findings and misleading doctors, who depend upon their knowledge to provide patients with the best possible treatments, we should not excuse such behavior.

Listed below, are two medical news reports, that I have read within the last month or so. I have labeled them as, Case #1 and Case #2.

Since the information in Case # 2, has come out, some in the medical profession, are speaking negative  about this report, and are not willing to accept it. They are charging ahead to downplay this report. And continues to promote prostate cancer screening as before, using the same methods.

 A few days ago, someone called our home, and said, they did a prostate cancer screening test on blood that was drawn from my husband 16 days ago, and that he was at high risk for prostate cancer. She said, they had arranged an appointment for him to see the urologist he saw a few days ago, when he had his blood drawn. None of this information was true. My husband had never seen the urologist she named. Neither had he ever been at that facility. Using scare tactics, to get people to get tests, are shameful and pathetic. 

Having worked with some of the very best doctors in Urology, I knew something strange was going on. And I let her know it. Lying and using patients insurance companies, to get money, seems to be a reason behind some of our researchers motives as well as some others in the medical profession. This is inexcusable, for people to lie as this individual did.  

Who can patients believe when researchers and doctors are in conflict with one another?

Case #1 
New Discovery Shakes the Foundation of Cancer Research
Date: October 15, 2011
Posted by a medical source

The Office of Research Integrity at the U.S. Department of Health, reportedly, found that a Boston University cancer scientist fabricated his findings.  According to this report, this scientist has been ordered to retract the two journals he published  in the year of 2009. It is believed that those scientists who based their work on his findings, could now be in possession of 10 years of worthless studies.
Noted, in a commentary health source report.

The source of this information further stated, “It seems fairly evident that the cancer industrial complex is a highly lucrative, well-oiled system that tends to support funding expensive drug treatments that don't address the cause of the problem, and have yet to make a significant dent in the decrease of the overall cancer rate in the US despite investing hundreds of billions of dollars. Much of the support comes from flawed and biased "research" studies that support the use of expensive drugs as detailed in the featured articles.”

Case #2
Panel advises against prostate cancer screening
Date: October 08, 2011
Posted by news source
Media: News Report

 A government panel warned publicly, that prostate cancer screening do more harm than good. They informed, healthy men should no longer receive the tests as part of routine cancer screening.’
New recommendation:   advice healthy  men of all ages to avoid getting the routine cancer screening.

"We have been long concerned, and it has been apparent for some years, that some supporters of prostate cancer screening have overstated, exaggerated and in some cases misled men about the evidence supporting its effectiveness," said the physician of American Cancer Society in a statement. "We need balanced, truthful information to be made widely available to physicians and patients when making important health decisions."
Noted this news source.

The task force reportedly, analyzed all the previous research on  Prostate cancer screening, including five major studies, to evaluate whether routine screening reduces deaths from prostate cancer. The conclusion: There's little if any mortality benefit.
But there is harm from routine screening:  impotence, incontinence, infections, even death that can come from the biopsies, surgery and radiation, (the task force leader reportedly informed)

A  large number of men over 50 have had at least one PSA blood test, believing that that finding cancer In its early stage would lead to a cure. According to this report.

"This is not true," a medical professional, who heads a task force at a college was quoted saying.  According to my source of information, this medical professional informed, "We have put a huge amount of time, effort and energy into PSA screening and that time, effort and energy, that passion, should be going into finding a better test instead of using a test that doesn't work." 
In conclusion, the head of the task force was quoted saying the following:

The recommendation only means that doctors shouldn't bring up the option for healthy men. If a man asks for a PSA test and wants it after being informed of the evidence, he should receive it.  Further stating,  Panel advises against prostate cancer screening symptoms.

Too much PSA, or prostate-specific antigen, in the blood only sometimes signals prostate cancer is brewing. It also can mean a benign enlarged prostate or an infection. Worse, screening often detects small tumors that will prove too slow-growing to be deadly. And there's no sure way to tell in advance who needs aggressive therapy.

Since this report, there have been those who continue to want these tests done, and voicing  their support for them.
This report, leaves us with doubt about what is truth and what is false reporting on the findings of the researchers.  Should doctors be trusted to ignore the advice of the panel when they warn against using treatments that are harmful? When research is questioned, who can be trusted?

Barrier's Health & Fitness Mall

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